Monday 15 September 2008

31st entry


Black and White

This is .. a black and white picture. Trying to use a new method in which we converse the RGB or CYMK colour picture into Lab colour, and then converse each layer into black and white. With this method, it created a much more contrast, and also a much deeper black.. By the way, the girl, she is cute isnt she.

30th entry








Sài Gòn

This is my city, my home. No matter how mess up people think it has become right now, it is something still beautiful inside me. I love every little corners, streets or even tiny tiny alleys it has. I love the city, not the busy-coat it has on every day, but the sudden silence in some random street, the voice of a lonely man in the middle of the crowd trying to earn his living through the night, or sometimes just the shadow of me myself and the girl holding my hand in the middle of the day, walking, looking for the beauty of our city.

They are right there, as always, but sometimes we just too busy to notice

Tuesday 9 September 2008

Khanh, what happened? Where are your latest posts?

Thursday 21 August 2008

29th entry



Messing around with shutter speed.. And the bright light you see in the picture was actually the flash light from some dude camera taking photo of me taking photo of the fire.. yeah, well, try to paraphrase that hahha

Tuesday 19 August 2008

28th entry



Especially enjoy this picture. The butterfly in the picture, in fact was dead. However, its wings are still gorgeous. The thing i want to say is, the beauty underneath the subject last eternity, even if the subjects itself vanish, or destroy..

Monday 18 August 2008

27th entry






These were where i have been last weekend. Such a nice place with lovely people actually..

Thursday 7 August 2008

26th entry







Original Piece: Tiffany Chung

Photographer: Quyên & Tom
Editor: Tom

Today was the opening of the whole art tour thing. Some of my friends told me to come, well, with a head full of stuff rite now, think i could use some extra rest time. Anyway, the show was okay even thou we didnt understand much of the arrangement art

Met with some of our teachers over there too and also some of my friends also came. Kind of fun coming to these galleries once in a while

Kind of playing around with photoshop today, completely change the colour, the light, burn some part too.. just to see how it turns out! The last picture, the colour of the thing is how it supposed to be in the second last one.. That piece really makes me feel like there are bunch of people in there, facing down and they are really really sad..