Saturday 26 July 2008

17th entry





I love pets. I used to have like bunch of them before but now i only have like 3, and one of them is not even mine. Anyway, taking care of all 3 of them is a tough job sometimes. Feed them, bath them, and also take them exercise or to the vet if they get sick..

All of my pets now are fat. No joke, look at the chihuahua, he is so freaking huge for his kind. And the cat, because he been eating the dog food so i guess he get like extra nutrition, so he is fat as well. The last one is not really fat cos he exercise a lot, by exercise i mean chasing his own tail all time.

Anyway, i think i love my chihuahua the best. He's a part of the family as well. Got him like 6 years ago when he was a tiny lil dog, and look at him now, all grow up and .. fat. Before when i was living in Singapore, still remember every time i came back home to visit, I would see him standing in the front door waiting for me.

For 6 years, every single time i go out, he will just stand there wait for me coming home.

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